Mobility Scooters
Mobility scooters allow people to have greater independence. Travelling down to the shops or out to meet with friends is much easier if you are not relying on public transportation, taxis or family members to assist. Having access to a mobility scooter means you are able to make impromptu decisions to go out.
Is a mobility scooter the solution you are looking for ? There are pros and cons to scooter ownership. Scooters are great for carrying loads such as groceries, and don’t require a driver’s licence. However they do require a level of adequate eyesight and hearing, they require regular maintenance. Scooters also need to spend time charging their batteries between uses and should be stored out of the weather.
Still unsure if a scooter is the solution you are looking for ? At Acacia Medical we can organise trials of scooters, and also have scooters available for hire. Contact us if you would like one of our expert team members to consult with you in regards to scooters and other mobility aids.